
England is a country in Europe and is part of the United Kingdom with Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. It has land borders with Scotland and Wales and lies on an island next to Ireland. England is the home of soccer, the Beatles, the Queen, fish and chips and pubs! Time to share my experience!

Check out my Instagram for more photos!

When you’re 100% prepared for your trip, check out these must do’s in England!

London header
4 days

London baby ! Visit the London highlights with me.

British areas

monkeys on gibraltar in spain, europe
Gibraltar ~ Spain

Since 1713 a British Area.

My England Bucket List

I didn’t see the whole country yet and there are still some things I want to visit one day: Oxford, White Cliffs of Dover, and Cambridge. If I get the opportunity I can combine those cities in a road trip one day!
Let me know if there are some interesting places in England that I must add to my bucket list!

But before you go, make sure to check out these tips and information!

My Europe packing list for the summer
My Europe packing list for the winter
header travel apps
So you got your bags packed? Here are my essential travel apps every traveler should have! 

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask them!

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Book Tours & Attractions via GetYourGuide
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Life of a Passion