10 Must do’s in Spa | Belgium
When you think of Spa (Belgium), you might immediately think of spring water. But drinking water is certainly not the only thing you can do in Spa! Spa is built around a natural spring that has been visited for centuries for its supposed healing properties.
1. Thermes de Spa
What better thing to do in Spa than to visit, well, the spa? In the Thermes you can completely relax in the thermal areas, baths, saunas, and hammams. Various wellness and beauty treatments are based on the spring water from this region. Traditionally, it was thought that this water would have beneficial effects on the body and mind. I recommend taking 1-2 massages as well on top to even out your full day of wellness.

2. Lac de warfaaz
Lake Warfaaz is a small lake a few kilometers from Spa, near the town of Nivezé. Walk around the lake and breathe the fresh air in.
3. Casino
The Casino de Spa breathes historic luxury and elegance. The wealthy visitors to Spa not only came for the spas but also liked to take a chance at this casino.
Fun fact: it’s the oldest casino in all of Europe.

4. Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps
The circuit of Francorchamps is a must do when you are a formula 1 or car lover. You can even drive on a racetrack if you like. Thanks to the natural beauty of the Ardennes in the background, this is one of the most beautiful circuits in the world. The Belgian Grand Prix usually falls at the end of August or the beginning of September.
Visit the nearby museum Stavelot. Stavelot will tell you more about the circuit, race cars, and the history of the circuit.
5. Parc 7 Heures
The Parc 7 Heures, or the ‘7 hours park’ was created in the 18th century. Today, you still notice an aristocratic atmosphere. The most beautiful part of the park is the Galerie Léopold II: a covered walkway of 130 meters (1878).
6. the Spa factory
From the center of Spa, you are within walking distance of the headquarters of the spring water brand Spa. The Eaudyssee Visitor Center is open Monday through Friday. Here you can discover more about every step of extracting spring water. Also, take a look at the experimental galleries where the Spa story is told with interactive touchscreen tablets.

7. Stroll along the Ninglinspo River
A beautiful walking route runs along the Ninglinspo river (a branch of the Ambiève river). The route is 6.4 kilometers long: a great distance to cover with children. If you stick to the mapped-out route, it will take you about 3 hours.
8. Visit the Horse Museum
These were once the royal stables of Queen Marie-Henriette (1836-1902), the second Queen of Belgium.
9. Franchimont castle
This medieval castle from the 11th century is strategically placed on top of the rocks and offers a view over the three nearby valleys.
10. SpaForest climbing park
Spend an afternoon climbing trees in SpaForest. Make your way from treetop to treetop while clipped onto a safety line.
11. Spa city

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Life of a Passion

Top tips om in Spa te doen! De welness ziet er heerlijk uit en Ninglinspo is toevallig mijn favoriete wandeling in België 😉
Life of a Passion
Leuk om te lezen Lore! 😀