Bandia Nature Reserve Safari Guide | Senegal
My list of travel discounts is short but you can sure get a discount on your hotel reservation with booking.com or Airbnb.
7 must do’s in Northern Crete
Rent a car, buy some snacks, wear your bikini and do a road trip through Northern Crete! Here are my must do's when you're in northern Crete!
12 must do’s in Venice
Our last stop of my 2013 Italy Itinerary is Venice! We took the boat to this city and spend a whole day in the city. Here are my must do's when in Venice!
4 must do’s in Siena
Our last stop before going to Venice is Siena. Not sure what to do? Here are my 4 must do's when in Siena.
9 must do’s in Florence
We spend one day in Florence to discover its beautiful buildings, museums, and gardens. Here are my must do's in Florence.
3 must do’s in Pisa
The first stop of my 2013 Italy Itinerary is Pisa! It's a perfect stop before you go to Florence! Here are my must do's in Pisa.