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9 Must do’s on Langkawi island

Our days on Langkawi island are days where we relax as a group. Here are my must do’s when in Langkawi, Malaysia.

1) The steepest funicular in the world!

We took a ride in the steepest funicular in the world. At first, it was closed due to bad weather but once that was cleared: Wow! Get to know the feeling of being in the middle of a cloud and not seeing anything or seeing everything when the clouds disappear. 

2) Langkawi Sky Bridge

This bridge was built in the mountains of Langkawi where you can have an amazing view over the island. I thought the floor of the bridge would be made out of glass but that’s not true. You only have a few glass panels on the floor to look down.

Enjoy the views from the bridge and the platform of the funicular:

3) Telega Tujuh Waterfall

We saw this waterfall from the funicular. Make sure to also check out the Temurun waterfall on Langkawi!

4) Dutyfree

Langkawi island is a dutryfree island! No taxes will be charged on your purchases. Do I hear someone say shopping? 😉 

5) Visit some beaches

We stayed at the beach of our hotel but I would have loved to visit the following beaches; Pantai Pasir Hitam, Tanjung Rhu Beach, Pantai Tengah, and Pantai Cenang. I did hear that these beaches are quite crowded, however.

6) Relax!

The number one must-do? Relax at your hotel and take a massage! 

7) Snorkeling in Langkawi? 

The island is not a place to do snorkeling. If you do want to do some snorkeling, you have to take a 1 hour-long boat drive to another island in order to see something worthwhile.

Fun fact: Go to Pulau Payar to swim with sharks.

8) Spot Wildlife

Besides the dusky leaf monkey, we also saw the hornbill!

9) Visit the Langkawi Mangrove

You can do this by boat or kayak! We didn’t have the time (or weather more like it) to do this one!

Life of a Passion


  • Alison

    One of my best holidays I had ! We did the same roadtrip as you and we really loved it! Borneo was wonderful! I can only recommend it to everyone who will travel to Malaysia. We also finished our stay in Langkawi – best way to end a great holiday with friends 🙂

  • Joke

    Heerlijke foto’s van jouw vakantie op Langkawi Island. Maleisië ziet er echt knap uit. Ik weet niet of ik de Langkawi Sky Bridge aandurf, maar het uitzicht ziet er in elk geval de moeite uit. 🙂

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