The Passion?
Who is the Passion behind Life of a Passion?
Want to know more about me? Then you are on the right page! You can find out who I am, how you can contact me for possible questions or partnerships, and you can even read more articles about me in the Press section.

Who is the Passion?
Find out some personal facts about me. What did I study and what do I do in life?
If that isn’t enough, you can always follow my travel adventures on my Instagram page, my Pinterest page, my Facebook page, my YouTube page, or my TikTok page. My Instagram contains all of my photography work. My Facebook page is more like a day to day journal during my trips or a platform to announce new blog articles when I’m not traveling. On Pinterest, you’ll be able to save some Pins I’ve been making about my travels. My YouTube and TikTok page has all of my travel videos.
And if you can’t get enough from my pages, you can always send me an e-mail on and say hi!