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Africa,  Travel,  Tunisia

14 must do’s in the South of Tunisia

If you want to discover more about Tunisia’s Berber Heritage, visit Star Wars Film Locations, see Oasises, the Sahara desert, and more. Then you’ve come to the right place. Here are my must do’s when you’re going to the South of Tunisia! 

Check out my Instagram page for more photos and videos!


14 Must do’s in the South of Tunisia 🇹🇳 📍Star Wars Film locations 📍Tembaine sahara dunes 📍Sleep in the Sahara 📍Chasing sunsets 📍Chasing stars during A sandstorm 📍Chasing sunrises 📍Dune gliding 📍Douz – White Sahara 📍Berber villages 📍Salt lake Chott el jerid 📍Chebika Mountain Oasis 📍Berber granaries 📍Matmata Oasis & desert: Ksar Ghilane 📍Tataouine – Chenini 📍Tataouine – Mosquée des sept dor 📍Cafe Ben Jemaa 📍Tozeur 📍 Tamerza old village 📍 Mides Mountain Oasis #tunisia #tunisie #lifeofapassion #tunesie #starwars #starwarstunisia #starwarslocations #tembaine #sahara #saharadesert #sandstorm #dunegliding #douz #whitesahara #berbervillage #saltlake #chotteljerid #chebika #chebikamountainoasis #matmatadesert #matmata #ksarghilane #tataouine #tatooine #chenini #mosqueedesseptdor #cafebenjemaa #tozeur #tamerzaoldvillage #midesmountainoasis

♬ Summer Life – Regi & Jake Reese & OT

1) Star Wars Film locations

Star Wars movies may be set ‘in a galaxy far, far away,’ but the filming spots in Tunisia can be visited easily. South Tunisia is the place for Star Wars enthusiasts. Add these popular Star Wars shooting locations to your must-visit list: Mos Espa, Lars Homestead, Tataouine, …

Read more about all Star Wars Film Locations in Tunisia in this special blog post!
» Star Wars Movie Locations in real life «

star wars film locations in tunisia

2) Berber village

You can say that the Berber people are the real Tunisians of old. You can find centuries-old villages in the whole of Tunisia. As a strategy to defend themselves from invaders, Berber settlements were either built on fortified mountaintops or dug into the ground in the form of troglodyte dwellings hidden in the rockface. Today these housings are largely abandoned as their inhabitants have moved to newly built satellite towns of modern buildings. This unique Berber architecture and heritage inspired George Lucas for the Star Wars movies, can you see why? 

Cafe Ben Jemaa

When visiting another Berber village we also stopped at Cafe Ben Jemaa, a cafe that goes down 4 generations already! 

3) Matmata

Go to Matmata to see some Berber villages, the rocky landscape that inspired the moonscape in the Star Wars movies.

Ksar Ghilane

Go to Ksar Ghilane in Matmata: an oasis in the middle of the Sahara desert. 

Warning: be amazed by the view

Double Warning: We had a tarantula in our tent …  

4) Tataouine

So there is this town in Tunisia that shared the name of a planet from Star Wars. Once again George Lucas let him be inspired by Tunisia.

Tataouine – Chenini

Chenini is a Berber village in the rocky mountain. It is probably the oldest Berber town in Tunisia. Chenini appears to be deserted at first sight, but it is actually home to 600 people.

Tataouine – Mosquée des sept dor

After exploring the town, you might want to check out the Mosque of the Seven Sleepers. A tale claims that seven Christians who had lived for more than 400 years apiece and grown to gigantic heights slept here. Here they repose following their conversion to Islam.

5) Tembaine sahara dunes

Go spend the night in the Tembaine Sahara Desert, a 3-hour 4×4 drive from the nearest town and in the heart of the Grand Erg Oriental. We stayed at Camp Abdelmoula where we enjoyed a beautiful sunset, sunrise, and watching the stars in the night (and during a sandstorm). Perfect place for a retreat! 

Fun Fact: the tent camps here are more nomadic & ecological accommodations.


The Camp

Chasing stars

During a sandstorm – I kid you not. Still got sand in my eye after 2 days. My shoes still have sand in them. 😉


6) Tozeur

Tozeur stands in the desert as a beautiful city surrounded by the biggest oasis of Tunisia. The houses in Tozeur are made of brick, decorating the facades with geometrical motifs. The bricks are still handmade using the same original techniques as the first people in Mesopotamia.

7) Salt lake Chott el jerid

Sjott el-Djerid is a large salt lake in southern Tunisia. Pink flamingos have been known to use the shores of the lake as nesting sites in springtime

8) Chebika Mountain Oasis

Not far from Chebika, you will find a small waterfall that creates a natural lake. If you cross the lake, you will find a bigger one, even more spectacular. The beauty of the water sources and palm trees in opposition to the dry and rocky place is breathtaking.

9) Douz

Douz is an Oasis town near the desert and is the gateway to the white Sahara desert. It is famous for its Festival of Sahara where the Sahara culture is celebrated with music, dancing, and camel racing. From Douz it’s also easy to visit some Star Wars film locations like Mos Espa. Near Douz is Zaafrane where you can enter the white desert only by camel!

10) Tamerza old village

Together with Tozeur and Chebika, Tamerza is one of the most beautiful oasis town in Tunisia. The Tamerza Canyon is one of the main attractions of this region. The magnificent gorges carved by the once powerful river.

11) Mides Mountain Oasis

The oasis’s greenery contrasts with the surrounding rocky area. Go swim in some real paradises of small waterfalls in the middle of the canyon.

Chebika Mountain Oasis in tunisia

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Life of a Passion


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