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Europe,  Spain,  Travel

Segovia | Madrid

Lisa and I decided to do a city trip while being already on a city trip to Madrid. We decided to visit Segovia, a little picturesque city one hour drive away from Madrid. Segovia is famous for its (walled) old town.

Check out my Instagram for more photos!

When you walk from the bus stop to the center of Segovia, you’ll pass a beautiful viewpoint of the walled city already.

buildings of segovia, madrid, spain

We started our tour at the Azoguejo Square. From this square, you have an excellent view of the aqueduct of Segovia.

the aquaduct of segovia, madrid, spain

On your left, you can find some stairs that you could take, to have an amazing view of the city and the aqueduct.

From there on you can walk into the old city, which gave us some good vibes.

After walking straight forward and passing by the little shopping street, we crossed the church and Segovia’s cathedral.

Fun Fact: Streetartits are everywhere. When we were there a saxophonist played lovely tunes that echoed in the old town.

Continuing our (straight forward) walk, we ended up at Alcázar. Alcázar has been the home of royalty, the home of the Spanish Artillery Academy, and a state prison. Talking about a building with some history… Unfortunately, the castle was closed, but we did enjoy the view.

Life of a Passion


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