Header pentiction hope slide canada, north america
Canada,  North America,  Travel

4 must do’s in Penticton | Canada

After exploring Vancouver, we drove on to Penticton. We also made some stops along the road. Here are my must do’s when going to Penticton.

1) Harrison Lake

Our first stop is at Harrison Lake. You can swim in Harrison Lake, or you can swim in the Harrison Hot Springs if you like. We didn’t visit the hot springs but my brother did it last year and found it not that special. We did have our lunch at Harrison Lake and the view was just perfect.

»Toilets available.

2) Hope Slide

Our second stop on our way to Penticton is Hope Slide. Hope slide was the second largest landslide in Canada. It occurred in 1965 and killed 4 people. The landslide covered the road with 55 meters of debris.

» Toilets available

3) Okanagan Lake near Penticton

Okanagan Lake is a Fjord Lake and is beautiful to behold. We were lucky that Pentiction is near this lake because when we drove to Pentiction, we had a view over the lake from our car.

4) Drink Wine in Penticton

Or not. Penticton lies in the fruit district and every research led me to believe I had to taste the wine here. But once I saw the price, the choice was easily made! A glass of wine costs $11, while a cocktail costs $8. Better have that cocktail!

Sad Fact: the fruit was also very expensive due to the June Monsoon that continued in July. Lots of rain means a bad harvest.

Life of a Passion

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