diani beach header kenya, asia
Africa,  Kenya,  Travel

Diani Beach | Kenya

After our 5 day safari, we spend our last days relaxing in Diani Beach. We stayed at the Baobab beach resort and spa (Diani Beach) ****.

Normally we would have stayed in a different hotel but it burned down just a week before we began our safari. Nevertheless, the baobab beach resort was a great replacement.

Check out my Instagram for more photos!

1) Visit a local village

As we were so exhausted from our 3 safari trips, we just needed to rest. We didn’t visit a local village but we did it in Senegal and I can say that it’s really a must-do. Just the shock in finding out how they live but that they stay positive and happy with all of that.

2) Snorkeling

Eventually, we also got the chance to go snorkeling. But I must say there wasn’t any colorful coral as the ones I saw in Egypt or the Dominican Republic. Most corals were chipped or were already dead. Locals are not aware of what they are doing to the coral reefs because they do not know as much as we do. I even saw locals stand upon corals. I do believe if you dive in deeper water, that the corals would be healthier than the ones I saw.

During the crossing, our captain showed us the ‘sea spiders’. I have a fright of normal spiders and upon seeing these ‘spiders’ I got shivers (yes they squirmed).

3) Beach Please

In the afternoon the water came near the wall of the hotel and the waves were enormous!

Still applying my #1 rule for swimming in the ocean: Make sure someone is always further in the sea than you. In case there is a shark in the water, it will go after them first (seems legit, I’m sure I’m not the only one who uses this rule).

4) Buy a souvenir on the beach

There were also a lot of locals trying to sell some stuff to us at the beach. The weirdest question that I was asked was if they could touch my hair. We bought ourselves some personal keychains.

Life of a Passion

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